mardi 14 septembre 2010
Animation Test
Crayonnés, last days
Cité Internationale de la bande Dessinée et de l'Image
batiment Castro, ground floor until the 19th of September.
Derniers jours pour l'exposition "crayonnés" montrant le travail récent des artistes en résidence à la Maison des Auteurs.
mardi 4 mai 2010
mardi 13 avril 2010
Animated Monotypes
It's also a test for a sequence of my next short film.
first tests
an quick editing of different attempt of animating monotypes; darkfield, trace monotype, rainbow monotype etc...
mercredi 24 mars 2010
Philadelphia's festival celebrating prints in contemporary arts
Thursday , March 25th from 3:00pm to 5.30pm
(the demo will run every half hour)
at the University of the Arts
Anderson building, 5th floor, printmaking studio
333 South Broad Street
I will give a demo about monotype as animation during Philagraphika.
While I was an exchange instructor at the University of the Arts in the Spring of 2009, I studied ectching and monotype in the Printmaking studios and used my prints to create animations.
demo's schedule on
mardi 23 mars 2010
Monotype Animation Receipe

For one single artist to an entire team
To be Served in a dark room.
Ink and solvents, tools (roller, spatula), Plexiglas tables
Asian paper for the traced monotype
pegbars or any personal calibration system
Scotch tape (to tape the pegbars)
A digitization system: it can be a camera stand with a digital camera and a pegbar as well as a scanner on which we would have Scotch taped a pegbar (or equivalent system of calibration). If your camera is a reflex one you might have a remote capture software that goes with it that enables you to take the pictures directly on and from your laptop.
A Computer
Any kind of software that makes movies from a series of images. You can also see your animation directly in Photoshop (in version CS3 vor higher) but can’t export it as a video. Any editing or compositing software that use a timeline will work perfectly. You can create a video in the following types of software: Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Final Cut Pro, IMovie, IStop Motion or Movie Maker
Preparing the animation shot
It is about getting to know what you want to see moving and how many images you need to do for that. The basic principle of animation (as well as film) is to creating a movement from a series of still mages. A film projector screens 24 frames per second. Animators usually do 12 images per second that they double to obtain 24 frames on the film strip (or digital equivalent) and get a fluid movement. There are tricks to do animation with fewer images: for example using a cross fade between two or three images to create a sunrise or a sunset.
You can also use a reference video broke down in a series images (or sketches) for helping you in doing the animation (which is called “rotoscope” in animation)
Preparing the paper.
Animation requires a calibration system therefore the use of punched sheets of paper and a peg bar to maintain the position of the image at the exact same place during the entire process is required. It’s possible to do animation without any calibration but it might take a while at the end to shift the images to the right place in order to obtain a fluid, registered animation; the peg bar system is used to avoid that possible waste of time at the end.
Doing the traced monotypes
Prepare the ink and roll it on a Plexiglas. Tape your peg bar. Put an Asian punched sheet of paper then a normal punched sheet of paper to trace on (to avoid tracing directly on the back of the Asian paper). You can trace directly on a printed image, a series of printed images from a video or simply take sketches you’ve done from a video as a reference. Take off the sheets of paper, let the monotype dry, re-roll some ink and do the next iamge of the animation shot.
Digitization of the monotypes
Scan the images or take digital stills using a camera stand. The peg bar system will ensure accurate image registration.
Making a movie from the image series
Using appropriate hardware and software (see up in the “ingredients” paragraph), put all the images in a timeline double them, re-time the sequence if necessary, export the film as a video and…watch it!
Or.. you can also shoot it on a 16mm camera, that still works very well. Do not forget to shoot twice each image in that case.
mercredi 10 mars 2010
mardi 9 mars 2010
"Crayonnés" The exhibition moves to the Cité

L’édition 2010 de l’exposition de la Maison des Auteurs ambitionne de montrer plus particulièrement au public les méthodes et secrets de fabrication de créateurs venus de Corée du Sud, d’Inde, du Québec, d’Espagne, d’Italie mais aussi des quatre coins de l’Hexagone.
jusqu'au 19 septembre 2010
samedi 30 janvier 2010
Quelques pages des 24 planches des 24h
24h de la bande dessinée

voilà le résultat de ces 24h de la bande dessinée
Here is the result of the challenge of the 24th hours of comics :
mercredi 27 janvier 2010
13. tôt le matin

13 • Tôt le matin (part 2)
envoyé par maisondesauteurs. - Découvrez plus de vidéos créatives.
Une fois de plus je n'apparais qu'à la toute fin de la vidéo.
13. Early moring at La Maison des Auteurs during the Comics Marathon.
(Once again I appear at the very end of the vidéo ;-)
10. minuit passé

10 • minuit passé
envoyé par maisondesauteurs.
10. After midnight
(wait for at the end of the vidéo to see me ;-)
mardi 26 janvier 2010
au 3°étage pendant les 24h

4 • Studieux
envoyé par maisondesauteurs. -
Nous voilà Davy, Philippe, Eva, Yoon-sun et moi en train de plancher pour trouver des idées.
4. Studious.
Here we are, Daby, Philippe, Eva, Yoon-sun and I, working, looking for ideas.
lundi 25 janvier 2010
les 24h de la Bande Dessinée
"24h of comic strip" at la Maison des Auteurs in Angoulême next tuesday and wenesday.

The 4th edition of the 24-Hour Comics Day will start on Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 3 PM at the Maison des Auteurs.
Successfully launched three years ago, and based on a creative exercise with a specific condition, as popularized by the American Scott McCloud, the 24-Hour Comics Day became a meeting that cannot be ignored, in prelude to the International Comics FestivalThe challenge : to design and create 24 pages in 24 hours, including front and back cover and 22 plates without text, working with a surprise clause which will be revealed at the kick-off of the event on Tuesday 26th of January, 2010, 3 pm.
Twenty five cartoonists were physically present in Angoulème at the Maison des Auteurs while all over France and abroad, professionals, students and amateurs gathered together in workshops, art schools and apartments, to participate in the event via the Internet. Their work was uploaded to the site as it progressed.
La 4ème édition des 24 heures de la bande dessinée débutera le mardi 26 janvier 2010 à 15 heures à la Maison des Auteurs.
Lancées il y a trois ans avec succès sur la base d'un exercice de création sous contrainte popularisé par l'Américain Scott McCloud, les 24 heures de la bande dessinée sont désormais devenues un rendez-vous incontournable en prélude au Festival international de la bande dessinée.
Le challenge : concevoir et réaliser 24 pages en 24 heures, soit une page de couverture, 22 planches muettes et un dos de couverture, à partir d'une contrainte dévoilée à l'instant du coup d'envoi de la manifestation le mardi 26 janvier 2010 à 15 heures.
L'an dernier, plus de 400 participants : auteurs professionnels, étudiants des écoles d'art et amateurs avaient participé à ce marathon graphique.
Vingt-cinq auteurs étaient physiquement présents à Angoulême au sein de la Maison des Auteurs tandis qu'aux quatre coins de l'hexagone, et hors de nos frontières, de nombreux auteurs, étudiants ou amateurs se regroupaient dans des ateliers, écoles des beaux-arts ou appartements, pour une participation à distance par l'entremise d'Internet.
Comme lors des autres éditions, une partie des auteurs seront physiquement présents à Angoulême, les autres travailleront à distance dans les mêmes délais. Trois catégories distinctes regrouperont les participants : professionnels, amateurs et étudiants.
Rendez-vous mardi 26 à 15h !
samedi 23 janvier 2010
festival de la BD d'Angoulême

Some pages of my travel sketch books will be exhibited at the exibition "crayonnés" at La Maison des Auteurs during the Festival international de la Bande Dessinée d'Angoulême from 28th to the 31th february 2010.